The MachineMetrics Quality Report provides data on parts that were rejected during Jobs run over a selected time period to help you understand the most common reason parts are being rejected as well as identify the machines that are rejecting the most parts.
Topics covered in this article
- Accessing the Quality Report
- Quality Report Information Layout
- Adjusting Rejected Parts Retroactively
Accessing the Quality Report
From the Reports Landing Page
To access the Quality Report from the Reports Landing page, do the following:
- Click on Reports in the sidebar navigation
- Select the Quality report tile as shown
Quality Report Information Layout
The Quality Report provides the following information:
- Rejected Parts Pareto: Pareto bar chart that shows the number of rejected parts by the reason for rejection.
- Rejects: Table that provides the data on all rejected parts by the time of occurrence, including machine, Job, part count, reason, message, and type of rejection.
- Rejects By Machine: Table that provides part rejection data on all machines that have had rejected parts.
The following figure shows the Quality Report information layout
Adjusting Rejected Parts Retroactively
There are times when parts may be inspected after production by a quality management team. If this is the case, or you simply need to go back in and add or remove rejected parts after the job has run, you can do that very easily.
Rejected parts can be adjusted from an individual machine's Quality page or from the Parts tab on the Machine Overview.
Learn how to manage Rejects and Part Corrections on the Machines Page
To manage rejected parts from an individual machine's Quality report, first access the individual machine's quality report by clicking the machine in the Rejected Parts by machine chart.
Select as shown below to get to the Quality page for the individual Machine.
Once you arrive on the Quality page for the Machine, select Add Reject
This will open a form where you can enter the necessary information to log the rejected part(s). Enter a positive number to add to the rejected parts. If too many parts were rejected and later found to be good parts upon inspection, a negative number can be entered to correct the count.
Note: If the Remove from Good Parts box is checked, the number of rejected parts entered will be subtracted from the 'good parts' count. If it is left unchecked, the number of good parts will remain the same.
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