The Utilization Report is a useful tool to see the Utilization rate over a period of time. Although this is an out-of-the-box report that MachineMetrics provides, you can also build it in the Report Builder which allows for more customization. This article will detail how to obtain the data from the standard Utilization Report using the Report Builder.
Building the Utilization Report in the Report Builder
The Utilization Report shows a Utilization Chart over time, which includes total and in-cycle time as well as overall Utilization rate. In addition, this out-of-the-box report shows Utilization by Shift, Machine Group, and Individual Machine. This next section will explore a couple of ways to obtain that same data using the Report Builder.
First, on your company dashboard navigate to Reports > Report Builder. You will then see the blank template, as well as the controls on the left side.
Next, to build the Utilization Report, you'll want to choose Select All under the Utilization header in the Selected Data tab. This will Include Utilization Rate, Time in Cycle, and Total Time.
You can then select how you would like the data grouped in the report by using the Group By tab. If you would like to see Shift, Machine Group, and Individual Machine data in one report, you can select all of those before building the report. If you would like to see each of those separately, we recommend building an individual report for each of the groupings including one report grouped by Shift, one by Machine Group, and another by Individual Machine.
Note: The group by tab is hierarchical, so the order in which they are selected determines the order in which they are displayed in the report, you can select up to three options here.
After you select Build Report in the upper right of the screen, you will see the selected data displayed in the report. In the below example, the report is grouped by Shift > Machine Group > Machine.
To add a chart, you can select Show Charts to see the data visualized. In order to see the same data as you see in the out-of-the-box Utilization Report, you can edit the Group By tab, and select to group by day, as shown below.
Once you Build Report, select Show Charts to see a report that looks like the one below, showing the Total Time, Time in Cycle, and overall Utilization Rate for each day.
To save reports to quickly access on a regular basis and share them with your team, visit the Save and Load Reports section of our Report Builder article.
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