This article covers manually configuring an I/O-Enabled machine. Visit this article for general information about adding and connecting machines. Managing Machines in MachineMetrics | Assets
Once you have an Edge Device installed and the machine signals connected to an I/O device, the signals must then be properly configured in MachineMetrics. This can be done right within the MachineMetrics web application itself. You will need an active MachineMetrics account. If you do not already have one, please request one from your MachineMetrics CSM. Visit this article for our Hardware Kit and Connection Schematics.
Adding the Data Collection Method:
Machines collection data via Digital I/O (Labjack or other device) require a manually configured adapter script to report data to MachineMetrics.
Once you make a Digital I/O selection, you will have the option to Configure your adapter. Paste the YAML script that will configure each of the inputs.
Instructions are as follows:
If you are using a LabJack T4, you will need to specify the IP address of the LabJack in the "What is the Connection Address?" field.
Regardless of if you are using a LabJack T4 (Ethernet Connected to Network) or LabJack U3 (USB connected to MM Edge), use the following configuration script (keep in mind the indentation is important, and if lines are not indented accordingly, the script will not save):
version: 2
- source: pin-0
- threshold: 2.5
- source: pin-1
- threshold: 2.5
- rising-edge
- count
ACTIVE: exec-in
READY: true
value: parts-in
This code tells our system that Pin 0 is execution (InCycle) and Pin 1 is part count (end of Cycle). You can also see that there are values to change the threshold voltage (the voltage needed to trigger the state) that can be adjusted in case there is noise in the signal. If you have a noisy signal, filters can also be added to the signal. Speak to a MachineMetrics support agent for more advanced configurations.
Once this is complete, save the form and continue with the connection process. It will take up to 5 minutes before the machine starts reporting.
If you have any questions, please reach out to us at or by phone at +1.413.341.5747x120.
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