A machine instance is configured in MachineMetrics to support each physical machine in your shop that is part of your MachineMetrics account.
This article focuses on accessing an individual machine's Settings form.
To learn more about the Machines List Settings View which allows you to view the configuration settings for all the machines in your MachineMetrics environment click here.
Topics covered in this article
This article includes the following topics:
Accessing Machines Settings
To navigate to the Assets > Machines page, expand Assets in the sidebar navigation menu and click Machines.
Next, select the machine you want to access.
Viewing/Managing Machine Configuration Settings
The following sections of this article describe the settings and functions available in each of the machine configuration settings tabs.
Data Collection
This section allows you to view the data collection methods for this machine. You can either edit a current method or add a new one.
Editing an Existing Data Collection Method
Click on the Edit button to the right of the Data Collection Method you'd like to edit. You'll be able to edit the following options.
- What type of Data Collection Method will this Machine use?: The type of data source provider that the machine uses and that the machine is integrated with to receive its machine data. If you are uncertain what data source your machine is using, please reach out directly to your customer success manager or contact
- What is your Connection Address?: The IP address of the machine's data source. This is usually the machine's control.
- Enable Source: Disable a source to halt all data collection using that Method. An Enabled source will attempt to collect data using the configured settings.
- Configure your adapter: Text entry field used to add any special configuration code.
Click the Save Data Collection Method button to save your changes.
Add a new Data Collection Method
Click Add a new Data Collection Method button, then configure the same fields as described in Editing an Existing Data Collection Method.
The Overview section allows you to view and manage the following machine configuration settings:
- Machine Name: This is the unique name for this machine in MachineMetrics.
- Machine Type: This field allows you to view and change the type of machine that the machine supports. However, this setting should not need to be changed after the original integration. Any changes to this setting should be discussed with your MachineMetrics Customer Success Manager.
- Make: This field allows you to enter the Make of this machine.
- Model: This field allows you to enter the model of this machine.
- Year of Manufacture: This field allows you to enter the year your machine was manufactured. Having an accurate date in this field can assist with potential troubleshooting.
- Serial Number: This field allows you to enter the Serial Number of your machine.
- Benchmarking: This field allows you to opt-in or out on whether the performance data for the machine should be included in MachineMetrics reporting on benchmarking, or to indicate you are undecided.
- See the Weekly Summary article for more information on the MachineMetrics Benchmarking report.
- Machine Schedule: This field allows you to edit the machine schedule that this machine is assigned to.
- Additional Notes: This field allows you to enter any descriptive notes that may help identify the machine in MachineMetrics reporting and data exports.
Production & Operations
Enabling Automated Production Monitoring gives the shop the ability to capture operational data straight from the machine with no human interaction
- Automatic Start Data Item
Automatically create new Operations from unassociated machine data?
- Ignored Programs
Operator (Manually) will enable these settings that will need to be configured:
- Allow Operators to create new Operations from the Operator Dashboard?
Data Mapping
See this article on Data Mapping
Data Rules
This section allows you to customize certain behaviors of this machine based off the data MachineMetrics is collecting.
- Part Count Metric - This allows you to specify a path for MachineMetrics to use for counting parts. See this article for more information on paths and what they do.
- Program Metric - This field is used to display the program metric in the Dashboard. Configuration and use of this field should be discussed with your MachineMetrics Customer Success Manager.
- Warmup Programs - This field allows you to list the names of any programs that are part of the machine warm-up operations. When the machine is running the programs listed in this field, MachineMetrics will treat and display the machine as inactive. If more than one program is listed in this field, the program names must be separated by a semicolon (;). Configuration and use of this field should be discussed with your MachineMetrics Customer Success Manager.
Warning and Failure Thresholds
Override default Utilization Thresholds for this Machine
This section allows you to set machine utilization and downtime goals that are specific for the selected machine.
Setting Utilization Goals for a Specific Machine
You can enter utilization goals here as a number to indicate the goal percentage of the overall job or shift operating time that the selected machine should be operating in-cycle. Consider the following when setting utilization goals in this section:
- The settings in this section for the selected machine will override the default utilization goal settings that are configured for your overall MachineMetrics system in the Dashboard section of the System Settings page.
- Jobs that have specific utilization goals will override the settings in this section, though the Utilization Dashboard will still show the colors based on the goals for the machine that are set here.
Decommission Machine
If you would like to remove a machine from your dashboard, you must decommission it. Navigate to the Machine List page, and select and edit the machine you wish to decommission. At the bottom of the list of selections along the left side of the screen is a Decommission Machine option. Select this and you will be prompted with the following screen:
Enter the name of the machine you wish to decommission and click "Decommission Machine" to permanently delete the machine from your dashboard.
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