Automatic Production Monitoring is a system within MachineMetrics that allows users to configure Operations in a way that Production Runs will automatically be started and stopped when certain program information is reported by the machine.
Depending on the make, model, age, and connectivity of a machine, we are able to capture more or less information from the machine — either by querying the control or through the use of sensors. Automatic Production Monitoring only works for certain machines because we need to be able to retrieve program information to make it work — this immediately excludes machines integrated exclusively with sensors (what we sometimes refer to as Digital IO-connected machines).
Note: To use Automatic Production Monitoring, your machine must be capable of reporting programs that can be correlated to Operations. You will also need to have Operations configured for your MachineMetrics dashboard
As the machine is running, we are constantly asking it what program number it is running and sending it through our data ingestion pipeline. For machines that have Automatic Production Monitoring enabled, we examine the program number and look up any Operations at that company that are allowed to run on that machine and also have that program number associated with the Operation. Next, we check to see if that machine already has an Operation running.
If it does, and the Operation that is running matches the one we found in our previous step, we do nothing. If it does not match - or we didn't find an Operations in that previous step, we stop the currently running Operation. Assuming we found an Operation in the first step and it isn't already running, we start it (ie: we create a Production Run with a start time matching the moment the program number was reported by the machine and no end time).
Topics covered in this article
- Before you can use Automatic Production Monitoring
- Configuring Automatic Production Monitoring
- Automatic Production Monitoring by API
- Common Automatic Production Monitoring Questions
- Have Questions?
Before you can use Automatic Production Monitoring
This feature can only be enabled by a MachineMetrics employee. Please contact your CSM or email if you would like to enable Automatic Production Monitoring or are interested in learning more.
Configuring Automatic Production Monitoring
Once Automatic Production Monitoring is enabled for your account, the next step will be configuring it for your individual machines. In order to configure your machines, follow the steps below. Learn how to access an individual machine's settings.
If you are looking to add a new machine and configure it with Automatic Production Monitoring. Learn how to add a machine to your account.
Once you have accessed the Settings page for the machine you want to configure with Automatic Production Monitoring:
Select Production and Operations from the left sidebar. If you do not see this as a menu option, please reach out to your Customer Success Manager or
4. Click the Automatic Start Data Item dropdown and select which program metric you'd like to use. This will be the data point that reports programs that correlate to your Operations. If you're unsure of which metric to select, take a look at your machine's Timeline to view the different program metrics.
Automatic Production Monitoring supports main and subprogram number fields, main and subprogram name fields, and program header fields.
*Keep in mind: if the machine doesn't have support for one of these fields, it will not be present in the list of options. Below we outline the parameters for using name, numbers, and headers when configuring your Automatic Production Monitoring.
Name and Numbers
Names and Numbers are treated differently from Headers. Names and Numbers must match exactly. Use the timeline to get this right. Sometimes a number has an O (capital oh) in front of it, sometimes it doesn't, it varies by machine make & model. The program name fields sometimes report a program number if no name is available. Every value that's in the timeline on the selected metric must be included in the Operation record (or Ignore Programs field) if you want that Operation to be running at any given time.
Headers are special. A program header is the first comment in the g-code (code that tells the machine what to do to perform the work). This typically looks like the following:
The content within the first set of parentheses is what we're after. That's what our system matches on. The content within the first set of parentheses of the program header must match any of the programs on the Operation — exactly. In this case, the Operation should be configured with the program CITIZEN_A2_20_T7.
*Please Note: No two active Operations can be configured to start based on the same program name, number, or header information on a given machine. An active operation is an Operation in MachineMetrics that is not archived. Archived Operations are not dispatched. Decommissioned machines are also not dispatched.
5. The next step is to configure your Ignored Programs. These are programs that can be configured to be ignored by Automatic Production Monitoring to ensure they do not interrupt the Operation that is running. Programs that appear on the data item you selected from the Automatic Start dropdown that aren't associated with a specific Operation, such as a pallet change, should be added to the Ignored Programs field, each program separated by a semicolon.
*Please Note: If Ignored Programs are not configured, Automatic Production Monitoring will not work correctly.
6. Configure New production runs on operation changes.
*Please Note: If the machine you're configuring is palletized, we recommend setting this option to No.
When set to Yes, APM opens and closes production runs instead of pausing and resuming production runs when the operation changes. Since palletized machines frequently change between multiple operations as a part of a single production run, starting new production runs would create inaccurate data for both reporting as well as dashboards.
7. Select the Default activity type for new production runs. If you're tracking setup/changeover, setting this option to Setup can reduce operator entry as all new operations started with APM will automatically be in setup.
*Please Note: If the machine you're configuring is palletized, we recommend setting this option to Production.
8. Click Save Changes at the bottom of the page, then repeat these steps for each machine you'd like to configure for Automatic Production Monitoring!
Automatic Production Monitoring by API
If you're interested in using our APIs to dispatch Operations in MachineMetrics, you'll need to do a few additional steps of configuration.
1. Follow the steps above in the Configuring Automatic Production Monitoring section above, but select Start Operation based on MES from the Automatic Start dropdown.
2. Then enter a unique ID into the ERP Machine ID field. This is what will be used in the jobdispatch/start and jobdispatch/stop endpoints to identify machines. To learn more about our APIs, see our developer page!
Common Automatic Production Monitoring Questions:
- What if a machine runs multiple programs to produce a part?
You can specify multiple program numbers on a Operation. Just separate them with semicolons. You have to be aware of overlap. No two Operations can have a same program. If they do, we wouldn’t know which one to start. You can work around that by using the machine’s ignore program list. - What if a few machines are capable of running a Operation, but some have different program numbers since they're slightly different pieces of equipment?
You can add machine-specific overrides to a Operation allowing you to indicate which program numbers are expected on each machine. - What if the main program is generic across all parts and sub programs are called to do the part-specific work?
When enabling Automatic Production Monitoring on a machine, you can configure it to watch sub program numbers instead of main program numbers. - What if it's a combination of the two that make it unique?
You can configure machines to watch a combination of the main and sub program numbers. This is tricky, but available for specific cases. Main-sub program number sets are combined with a period. For example, if the main program was 123 and the sub program was 456, the Operation would be configured with the value 123.456. - What if the machine runs one or more main or sub programs on every Operation?
The machine form has a field for Ignore Programs where you can specify a list of programs that won't cause an Operation to start or stop when present. - What about machines with multiple paths.
This adds another layer of complexity, but every program number on every path must be included on the Operation (see 1). This is avoided for most (if not all) scenarios using the new “Start Operations based on data value” option in the drop-down menu when configuring Automatic Production Monitoring for your machine in the MM app.
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