Activities allow the data to more closely match what is really happening within your shop. Use Activities to help your operators contextualize their day-to-day with information that cannot be easily surfaced through the Machine Data alone.
Within this article, we will look at how to set up Activities on your settings page.
How to get there:
Login into MachineMetrics > hover over Settings > select Activities
Topics covered in this article:
Activity Modes
When a job is running on a machine, operators can engage with the activity mode and the various activities names as defined in these settings. When operators select a "job", they will have the option to select the activity they will want to define the job as.
Activities are defined by two modes: Setup and Production
Setup Mode: The job is still in the setup phase (pre-machining). This was previously defined as Downtime Mode. For more information on this product change, visit Activities Overview.
Production Mode: The job is in the production phase, or actively being produced.
Note: Currently there are only two activity modes and they can not be deleted. You can add new activities within each of these modes which will be covered in the next section.
Add a New Activity
Add different activities to more closely match your production and setup process. This will allow your shop to contextualize the data within those buckets in reporting and more. Follow these steps to add a new activity:
Step 1: Select New Activity to bring up the Add Activity pop-up.
Step 2: Give your New Activity a Name.
Step 3: Define the Activity Mode from the drop-down and select Create.
Can I delete my Activity Modes?
Currently, Activity modes cannot be added or deleted. This includes the Setup and Production modes.
Can I archive a new Activity I have created?
Yes, you can archive a new Activity you have created. Just simply select "Edit" and
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