*This version of our CSV is only used for the Jobs Import API and the Auto Job Importer. For manually importing operations, see the article below:
The MachineMetrics Job Import CSV (comma-separated value) file provides an import mechanism that companies with large numbers of Operations can use to manage those Operations more efficiently. This article presents the functional capabilities, requirements and instructions for using the CSV file in Operations import, and recommendations for setting up the Operations import process.
Prerequisite Concepts
This article presumes you have at least a basic understanding of the following concepts:
- CSV Delimited Files: If you are not familiar with the general concept of delimited files and the specific requirements of formatting CSV files, a good introduction may be found here.
- MachineMetrics Operations: The Operations article contains information on the overall function and use of Operations in the MachineMetrics environment as well as instructions on how to create, view and modify individual Operations through the 'Operations' page.
IMPORTANT! Before attempting a Job import from a CSV file, it is strongly recommended that you review both this article and the Operations article, and consult with your MachineMetrics Customer Success Manager if you still have questions.
Topics covered in this article
This article contains the following topics:
- Operation Import Capabilities of the CSV File
- Operation Import CSV File Creation and Import Options
- Operation Import CSV File Fields
- Operation Import CSV File Fields and the MachineMetrics Jobs Interface
- Operation Section
- Defaults Section
- Goals Section
- Operation Dispatch Section
- CSV File Fields and the Operation Dispatch Section
- workcenter (Operation Dispatch: Workcenter Group and/or Workcenter)
- expectedparttime (Operation Dispatch: Workcenter > Expected Part Time)
- idealparttime (Operation Dispatch: Workcenter > Ideal Part Time)
- setuptime (Operation Dispatch: Workcenter > Setup Time)
- partcountmultiplier (Operation Dispatch: Workcenter > Part Counting)
- actualparts (Operation Dispatch: Workcenter > Part Counting)
- programname
- CSV File Fields and the Operation Dispatch Section
Operation Import Capabilities of the CSV File Back to Topics
Using a properly formatted Job Import CSV file, companies can simultaneously create, edit, and archive large numbers of Operations in their MachineMetrics environment through a single import operation, all but eliminating the need for manual entry of individual Operation settings in MachineMetrics. Nearly all individual Operation settings can be imported using the CSV file, with the only exception being Notifications, which must be set up individually.
Implementing the Operation Import CSV Functionality Back to Topics
Completing the actions and tasks described in the following procedure will help ensure that your company successfully implements the MachineMetrics Operation import functionality using the Operation Import CSV file:
- Understand MachineMetrics Operation: Review the Operation article to learn how Jobs are used in MachineMetrics and the purpose and use of all the data fields in a single Operation.
- Understand the Operation Import CSV File: Review this article to learn how to format and use the Operation Import CSV file, including how the fields in the CSV file relate to the Operation interface in MachineMetrics.
- Understand Your Company Data: Identify what data from your company systems corresponds to the fields in a MachineMetrics Job, and how that data will be generated/collected/retrieved from your systems for use in a CSV file.
- Create a Test CSV File: Create a "test" Operation Import CSV file according to the options and requirements described in this article. This file should contain at least one test Operation that accurately represents each different type of machine operation which may run in your production environment.
- Choose your Import Method and Process: Choose a CSV import option and plan your import process based on your system capabilities and production requirements.
- Run a Test Import: Run an import operation on your test Operation Import CSV file using your chosen Operation import option.
- Validate Your Test Import and Retest: In the MachineMetrics 'Operation' page, validate and confirm that the Operations and their data were correctly imported. Analyze any discrepancies or errors found, adjust your data collection and import method or process as necessary, and run the import operation again.
- Implement Full Job Import Process: Once your Job import test operation is running consistently without errors, implement your full Job import process.
Consult with your MachineMetrics Customer Success Manager if you have any questions on how to complete any of the above tasks.
Operation Import CSV File Creation and Import Options Back to Topics
The file attached to this article (CSV Template.csv) is the Operation Import template CSV file created in Microsoft Excel by MachineMetrics that you can use to create your first Job Import CSV file. The Operation Import CSV file also can be created by a script, from application code, through a database export or SQL query, in a program like Microsoft Excel, or in any application capable of generating plain-text files such as NotePad. How you create your Job Import CSV file depends on the requirements and capabilities of your environment and how you intend to use the Job Import function.
Operation Import Options Back to Topics
Once you have created your Job Import CSV file, you have the following options to import your Operations into MachineMetrics:
- Import Tool in the Operations Page: The Jobs page lists all the Jobs in your MachineMetrics environment and contains an Import tool that allows you to browse to and import your Operation Import CSV file. The Operations article briefly describes this tool and its function. There is also a specific article available on how to automate job imports.
- Operation Importer Windows Service: MachineMetrics provides an application service that can be installed on any Windows machine that will allow you to partially or fully automate the import of your Operation Import CSV files. The level of automation you can achieve will vary based on the capabilities of your systems and your IT resources. For an in-depth description of how to install and use this service, see Setting up the Automated Operation Importer Windows Service.
Companies that do not change their Operation data and import Operations infrequently (such as once a month or less often) usually choose to use the Operations page Import tool. Companies that do change their Operation data and import Operations frequently usually choose to use the Operation Importer Windows service.
Operation Import CSV File Fields Back to Topics
Below is the list of fields that must be present in the CSV file used to import Operations into MachineMetrics. All of these fields and their values must be present in the CSV file in the same order they are listed below, with no differences in capitalization or spelling, and no additional fields.
IMPORTANT! Do NOT format numbers in your CSV file fields to include commas, dollar signs, and so on, as this will cause the information to be interpreted incorrectly by MachineMetrics.
The remainder of this article explains how these fields are used in the CSV file to create MachineMetrics Jobs.
Operation Import CSV File Fields and the Operations Interface Back to Topics
All MachineMetrics Operations are viewed through the 'Operations' page, and the settings for individual Operations are viewed in the Operation interface dialog. The Operations article explains in detail the function and purpose of the Operation interface dialog and the layout and function of the 'Operations' page. This section explains how the different fields of the Operation Import CSV file map to each section of the Operation interface dialog, and describes the entry requirements and options for each CSV file field to achieve the intended Operation setting.
The fields in the Operation interface dialog are divided into the following functional sections:
With the exception of Notifications, the fields in the Operation Import CSV file map to the settings of individual Operations as described in the following sections of this article.
Operation Section Back to Topics
The Operation section in the Job interface dialog contains the fields that are used to identify the MachineMetrics Job.
CSV File Fields and the Operation Section Back to Topics
The fields in the CSV file that map to the Operation section of the Operation interface dialog are shown in the following figure and are briefly described below. See the Operations article for detailed descriptions of the purpose and use of each field.
name (Operation: Name)
The name/ID of the Job. This is typically the part number/ID or work order number. See the Jobs article for important information on Job naming considerations.
part (Operation: Part)
The part number/ID. This field can be left blank if the name field is used for the part number/ID.
operation (Operation: Operation)
The name/ID of the machine part production operation is represented by the Job such as lathe turning, milling, and so on. This field must be populated for Jobs that require more than one operation to produce the part.
lot (Operation: Lot)
The lot number is associated with the Job. This field is only used by companies who want to track their part production operations by lot.
description (Operation: Description)
Used to provide a brief description of the Job. This field is optional and typically used to further describe the operation, part, work order, or lot.
Defaults Section Back to Topics
The Defaults section in the Operation interface dialog contains the fields that are used to set the default performance thresholds that the machines that run the Operation are expected to meet. As highlighted in the figure below, the performance metrics for part production that are available for settings in the Defaults section will vary depending on the System Setting for Cycle Time Entry. See the Operations article for a complete explanation of this interface behavior.
CSV File Fields and the Defaults Section Back to Topics
The fields in the CSV file that map to the Defaults section of the Operation interface dialog are shown in the following figure and are briefly described below. See the Operations article for detailed descriptions of the purpose and use of each field.
default_expectedparttime (Defaults: Expected Part Time)
In this field, provide the numeric value representing the average time (in milliseconds) that a machine is expected to take to complete the Operation for one part, including the time required for all Operation transitional activities such as part changeover. The value entered in this field will be used as the part production goal on which the percentage Goals are based when creating new Operation/Machine associations unless it is overridden for specific machines as described in the Operation Dispatch section of this article.
Note the following additional considerations for this value in the CSV file:
- Time value entered in milliseconds: The requirement for entering the value in this field in milliseconds differs from the Operation Interface Dialog, where the Expected Part Time field in the Defaults section requires you to enter the time in hours/minutes/seconds.
- Value must map to Single Part Duration/Expected Part Time: The value entered in this field must represent the value for Single Part Duration/Expected Part Time, regardless of the setting for Cycle Time Entry setting in System Settings. That is, even if the Cycle Time Entry is set to either Full Cycle Duration or Parts Per Hour, you still need to enter the value for Single Part Duration/Expected Part Time in this field. MachineMetrics will then automatically convert the value entered in this field to the equivalent Expected Cycle Time or Part Rate value (part goal) that displays in the Defaults section of the Operation interface dialog.
default_idealparttime (Defaults: Ideal Part Time)
In this field, provide the numeric value representing the average time (in milliseconds) that a machine is expected to take to complete the operation for one part, including only machine processing time and excluding the time required for all non-processing activities such as part changeover. The value entered in this field will be used in the Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE) calculations for Operation/Machine associations unless it is overridden for specific machine as described in the Operation Dispatch section of this article.
Note the following additional considerations for this value in the CSV file:
- Time value entered in milliseconds: Entering the value in this field in milliseconds differs from the Operation Interface Dialog, where the Ideal Part Time field in the Defaults section provides separate fields that require you to enter the time in hours/minutes/seconds.
- Value must map to Single Part Duration/Ideal Part Time: The value entered in this field must represent the value for Single Part Duration/Ideal Part Time, regardless of the setting for Cycle Time Entry setting in System Settings. That is, even if the Cycle Time Entry is set to either Full Cycle Duration or Parts Per Hour, you still need to enter the value for Single Part Duration/Ideal Part Time in this field. MachineMetrics will then automatically convert the value entered in this field to the equivalent Ideal Cycle Time or Part Rate value that displays in the Defaults section of the Operation interface dialog.
default_setuptime (Defaults: Expected Setup Time)
In this field, provide the numeric value that represents the expected amount of time (in milliseconds) that machine setup activities will take for the Operation. This value will be used when creating new Operation/Machine associations unless it is overridden for specific machine as described in the Operation Dispatch section of this article.
Note the following additional considerations for this value in the CSV file:
- Start In Production (Blank): If a value is not specified (field is left blank), the machine will immediately be placed into production when an Operation is started.
- Allow Startup In Setup (0): If the value provided in this field is zero (0), startup in setup will be allowed but all setup time recorded will be tracked and reported as unplanned downtime.
- Allow Startup In Setup with Expected Time (Number>0): For all numeric values greater than zero, setup time will be considered planned setup activities until that time (in milliseconds) has elapsed, after which point all time will be tracked and reported as unplanned downtime.
- Time value entered in milliseconds: Entering the value in this field in milliseconds differs from the Operation Interface Dialog, where the Allow Startup In Setup with Expected Time field in the Defaults section requires you to enter the time in hours/minutes/seconds.
default_partcountmultiplier (Part Counting/Parts Reported and Cycles Required)
This field is used in combination with the default_actualparts field to tell MachineMetrics how to count parts for machines that produce multiple parts per cycle or that require multiple cycles to produce one part.
- Multiple Parts Per Cycle/Parts Reported: For machines that produce multiple parts per cycle, the default_partcountmultiplier value is used to calculate the value for the Parts Reported field. This field displays in the Operation interface dialog when the Part Counting field is set to Multiple Parts Per Cycle.
- Multiple Cycles Per Part/Cycles Required: For machines that require multiple cycles to produce one part, the default_partcountmultiplier value is used to calculate the value for the Cycles Required field. This field displays in the Operation interface dialog when the Part Counting field is set to Multiple Cycles Per Part.
Provide the value in the default_partcountmultiplier field based on the following:
- Single Part Per Cycle: If the machines running the Operation produce only one part per cycle, leave this field blank.
- Multiple Parts & Machine Part Counter = Actual Parts Per Cycle: For machines that produce multiple parts per cycle, and the parts produced by each machine cycle are the same as reported by the machine part counter, the part count multiplier=1. Enter 1 in this field
- Multiple Parts & Machine Part Counter < Actual Parts Per Cycle: For machines that produce multiple parts per cycle, and the machine part counter only increments once per cycle even though the machine actually produces multiple parts in a single cycle, enter the number of parts produced in a single cycle.
- Example: If 4 parts are produced in a single cycle, but the machine only increments its part counter by 1 for each cycle, the part count multiplier entered in the default_partcountmultiplier field would be 4.
- Multiple Cycles Per Part: If the machine part counter increments multiple cycles while the machine actually produces only one part, enter the decimal representing the percentage/fraction of a part produced in a single cycle.
- Example: If 4 cycles are required to produce a single part, the part count multiplier entered in the default_partcountmultiplier field (and the default_actualparts field) would be .25. If 3 cycles are required to produce a single part, the part count multiplier entered in the default_partcountmultiplier field (and the default_actualparts field) field would be .33.
The value entered in the default_partcountmultiplier field will be used when creating new Operation/Machine associations unless it is overridden for specific machines as described in the Operation Dispatch section of this article.
default_actualparts (Part Counting/Parts Produced)
Provide the value in the default_actualparts field depending on the Part Counting method used by the machine that run the Operation:
- Single Part Per Cycle: If the machines running the Operation produce only one part per cycle, leave this field blank.
- Multiple Parts Per Cycle: If the machines running the Operation produce multiple parts per cycle, provide the number of parts that are produced each machine cycle, regardless of what is reported by the machines running the Operation. In this condition, the default_actualparts value maps directly to the Parts Produced field that displays in the Operation interface dialog when the Part Counting field is set to Multiple Parts Per Cycle.
- Multiple Cycles Per Part: If multiple cycles are required to produce a single part, enter the same decimal representing the percentage/fraction of a part produced in a single cycle as is entered in the default_partcountmultiplier field (see the default_partcountmultiplier field description and the Multiple Cycles Per Part Example).
The value entered in the default_actualparts field will be used when creating new Operation/Machine associations unless it is overridden for specific machines as described in the Operation Dispatch section of this article.
Goals Section Back to Topics
The Goals section in the Operation interface dialog contains the fields that are used to set the default percentage of the performance goals that the machines that run the Operation are expected to meet.
CSV File Fields and the Goals Section Back to Topics
The fields in the CSV file that map to the Goals section of the Job interface dialog are shown in the following figure and are briefly described below. See the Operations article for detailed descriptions of the purpose and use of each field.
warningpercent (Goals: Orange)
In this field, provide the percentage of the Parts Goal (default_expectedparttime) that machines should use as the warning threshold for the Operation. Note the following about the entry in this field:
- The value must be an integer between 0 and 100. If this field is left blank, the system will use the default value of 100.
- Machine tiles will be green for machines performing better than the warning threshold percentage entered here.
- When a machine's performance degrades to the point that the warning percent threshold for the Job is crossed but the failure threshold has not been reached, that machine's tile will turn orange and any warning-level notifications that have been set up will be sent out.
failurepercent (Goals: Red)
In this field, provide the percentage of the Parts Goal (default_expectedparttime) that machines should use as the failure threshold for the Operation. Note the following about the entry in this field:
- The value must be an integer between 0 and 100 that is less than the warningpercent entry. If this field is left blank, the system will use the default value of 80.
- Machine tiles will be orange or green for machines performing better than the failure threshold percentage entered here.
- When a machine's performance degrades to the point that the failure percent threshold for the Job is crossed, that machine's tile will turn red and any failure-level notifications that have been set up will be sent out.
Operation Dispatch Section Back to Topics
The Operation Dispatch section in the Operation interface dialog contains the fields that are used to associate machines with the Operation.
CSV File Fields and the Operation Dispatch Section Back to Topics
The fields in the CSV file that map to the Operation Dispatch section of the Operation interface dialog are shown in the following figure and are briefly described below. See the Operations article for detailed descriptions of the purpose and use of each field.
machine (Operation Dispatch: All Machines, Machine Group and/or Machine)
This field is used in conjunction with the other CSV file fields highlighted above to associate an Operation with the machines that can run it. You can associate a Operation with all machines or one Machine Group, and/or associate the Job with individual machines.
The Operation Import CSV file must have an Operation record/row for each separate machine association. For example, in the Operation interface dialog, you can associate an Operation with a Machine Group that can run the Operation with the Default settings, and then also associate individual machines that can run the Operation with non-default settings.
To do this in the CSV file, you must have an Operation record/row with the machine field entry for the Machine Group, followed by separate Operation records/rows for each individual machine. The following figure shows an example of this arrangement (only machine-related CSV fields are shown).
The general considerations and constraints for making Operation/machine associations are as follows:
- All Machines: Operations associated with all machines will run the Operation using the default settings entered in the fields described in CSV File Fields - Defaults Section. An Operation in a CSV file cannot have records/rows associating the Operation with all machines AND a Machine Group.
- Machine Group: Operations associated with a Machine Group will run the Operation using the default settings entered in the fields described in CSV File Fields - Defaults Section. An Operation cannot be associated with more than one Machine Group.
- Specified Individual Machines: Operations associated with specified individual machines will run the Job using the machine-specific settings (expectedparttime and so on) highlighted in the figure above. The settings in the machine-specific fields will override the default settings in the fields described in CSV File Fields - Defaults Section for the specified machine.
- Combinations: You can combine the above Operation/machine associations in the CSV file as follows:
- Machine Group & Specified Machines: As described and shown in the figure above, you can include a record in the CSV file that associates an Operation with a Machine Group (that will use the default settings), with additional records for the same Operation that specify individual machines (that use the machine-specific settings).
IMPORTANT! In this combination, the record/row for the Machine Group must be entered in the CSV file for the associated Operation before the individual machine record(s). - All Machines & Specified Machines: You can include a record in the CSV file that associates an Operation with all machines (that will use the default settings), with additional records for the same Operation that specify individual machines (that use the machine-specific settings).
IMPORTANT! In this combination, the record/row for all machines must be entered in the CSV file for the associated Operation before the individual machine record(s). - Only Specified Machines: In this field arrangement, the Operation in the CSV file will only have entries for one or more individual machines, one record/row for each machine. This arrangement is the same as selecting the "Only Machines Listed Below" option in the Operation interface dialog of the Operations page.
IMPORTANT! The default settings must be the same in each specified machine record/row. For example, if machine-specific settings are entered in the CSV file for machines CNC 104 and CNC 108, the default settings (default_expectedparttime and so on) are entered in the CSV file record/row for machine CNC 104 must be exactly the same as the default settings entered for CNC108.
- Machine Group & Specified Machines: As described and shown in the figure above, you can include a record in the CSV file that associates an Operation with a Machine Group (that will use the default settings), with additional records for the same Operation that specify individual machines (that use the machine-specific settings).
Provide the value in the machine field based on the following:
- All Machines (Blank): Leave this field (and all the remaining machine-specific fields) blank if you want the Operation to be available to all machines in the environment.
- Machine Group: You can provide one of the following for a Machine Group entry:
- ERP ID: Provide the ID in your company ERP system of the Machine Group. Using the ERP ID in the machine field does not require ERP integration with MachineMetrics, but does require the assistance of MachineMetrics to enable the ERP feature. Consult with your MachineMetrics Customer Success Manager if you need more information.
- Group Name: Provide the exact name of a Machine Group that has already been created in MachineMetrics.
IMPORTANT! In the CSV file entry for a Machine Group, the remaining machine-specific/non-default fields (expectedparttime and so on) in the machine group row must be left blank.
- Individual Machine Name/ID: Provide the name or machine ID (see options below). You can have only one machine per record/row in the CSV file. If you want to have more than one machine with non-default settings for the Operation, you need to have an Operation record/row for each additional machine.
Machine Name/ID Options: You can provide any one of the following in the machine field for a specific machine that has been installed and configured in MachineMetrics:
- ERP ID: Provide the ID in your company ERP system of the machine. Using the ERP ID in the machine field does not require ERP integration with MachineMetrics, but does require the assistance of MachineMetrics to enable the ERP feature.
- Name: Provide the name of the machine exactly as specified in the MachineMetrics Machiness page.
- MachineMetrics System ID: Provide the MachineMetrics system ID of the machine exactly as specified in the MachineMetrics Machines page.
Both the name and the MachineMetrics system ID of a machine can be found in the General section of the machine settings dialog (see figure below). Consult with your MachineMetrics Customer Success Manager if you need more information on using the machine ERP ID in the machine field of the CSV file.
expectedparttime (Operation Dispatch: Machine > Expected Part Time)
Provide the expected part time that MachineMetrics should use to measure the part production performance of the individual machine associated with the Operation. The value entered here will override the value entered in the default_expectedparttime field described in CSV File Fields - Defaults Section.
idealparttime (Operation Dispatch: Machine > Ideal Part Time)
Provide the ideal part time that MachineMetrics should use to measure the part production performance of the individual machine associated with the Operation. The value entered here will override the value entered in the default_idealparttime field described in CSV File Fields - Defaults Section.
setuptime (Operation Dispatch: Machine > Setup Time)
Provide the setup time threshold that MachineMetrics should use to track the setup time of the individual machine associated with the Operation. The value entered here will override the value entered in the default_setuptime field described in CSV File Fields - Defaults Section.
partcountmultiplier (Operation Dispatch: Machine > Part Counting)
Provide the part count multiplier that MachineMetrics should for the individual machine associated with the Operation. The value entered here will override the value entered in the default_partcountmultiplier field described in CSV File Fields - Defaults Section.
actualparts (Operation Dispatch: Machine > Part Counting)
Provide the actual parts setting that MachineMetrics should for the individual machine associated with the Job. The value entered here will override the value entered in the default_actualparts field described in CSV File Fields - Defaults Section.
This field is used for environments that are implementing the MachineMetrics Automatic Production Monitoring functionality. If this functionality is enabled, provide the name in this field of the program that will automatically cause the associated Operation to be dispatched on the specified machine. The name entered here must exactly match the CNC program name. In addition, for the Automatic Production Monitoring to function, the data stream from the environment must provide the program name information to the machine. Contact your MachineMetrics Customer Success Manager if you need more information about entering the setting for this field.
Note: The programname CSV file field corresponds to the Program Name field in the Operation interface dialog. The Program Name field only displays in the Operation interface dialog if the MachineMetrics Automatic Production Monitoring functionality has been configured for the system and for the associated machine.
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