T4 Hardware Overview
Please Note: This article is part of the Digital I/O Integration process. For more details on the process as a whole, please review the Digital I/O Integration Guide
The T4 is a DAQ device (Data AcQuisition) and captures an analog DC voltage at the AINx terminals.
The T4 is used for I/O machine applications that communicate to an Edge Device connected at the network switch or router. All data is passed via an ethernet cable (from the RJ45 port on the T4) to the network switch or router. Visit this article for a list of our Hardware Kit and Connection Schematics.
Power Supply
The T4 is powered through it's USB port. In an integration where a T4 is used, power is supplied via a 24VDC-to-5VDC USB power supply. Follow the link below for installation instructions for the USB Power Supply.
The T4 must be configured with a static IP address in order to communicate with MachineMetrics. Follow the link below for instructions on how to configure the network settings on the T4.
The T4 has three different I/O areas
- Communication Side: The communication side (top side in Figure 4.1-1) has a USB Type-B connector and an RJ45 Ethernet connector. Power is always provided through the USB connector, even if USB communication is not used.
- Screw Terminal Side: The screw terminal side has convenient connections for the 2 analog outputs, 4 high-voltage analog inputs, and 4 flexible I/O (digital I/O, low-voltage analog inputs, or DIO-EF. The screw terminals are arranged in blocks of 4, with each block consisting of VS, GND, and two I/O. Also on the left screw-terminal edge are two LEDs. The Comm LED generally blinks with communication traffic, while the Status LED is used for other indications.
- DB Side: The DB side has a 15-pin female D-sub type connector (DB15) which has 12 digital I/O called EIO and CIO. The first 4 EIO lines can be configured as low-voltage analog inputs. The first 2 EIO lines and the 4 CIO lines support some DIO-EF features (timers, counters, etc.).
Figure 4.1-1. LabJack T4
Hardware Details
USB: Can be used for host communication. Power is always provided through this connector.
Ethernet: 10/100Base-T Ethernet connection can be used for host communication.
LEDs: The Power and Status LEDs convey different information about the device.
VS: All VS terminals are the same. These are outputs that can be used to source about 5 volts.
GND/SGND: All GND terminals are the same. SGND has a self-resetting thermal fuse in series with GND.
FIO#/EIO#/CIO#: These are the 16 digital I/O, and are also referred to as DIO4-DIO19. Besides basic digital I/O operations, some of these terminals can be configured with Extended Features (frequency input, PWM output, etc.), some can be configured as low-voltage analog inputs, and all can be configured for various serial protocols: I2C serial, SPI serial, SBUS serial (EI-1050, SHT sensors), 1-Wire serial, and Asynchronous serial.
AIN#: AIN0-AIN3 are the 4 high-voltage (±10V) analog inputs.
DAC#: DAC0 & DAC1 are the 2 analog outputs. Each DAC can be set to a voltage between about 0.01 and 5 volts with 10-bits of resolution.
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